
“Leaders of the Early Church” (7-11-2021)

by | Jul 12, 2021

Speaker: Chris Gussman

Sermon: “Leaders of the Early Church””

Scripture: Romans 16:7

Series Name: Restore: Recovering the Vision of Women in the Church

Series Description:
“The Family of God,” a phrase that is used a lot, sometimes with little thought. When you get past the idealized imagery, the truth of the matter is that in today’s world (and yesterday’s as well) all members of the family have not been seen or treated with equal value. This was true in the early church as well. In I Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul talks about the Church as a body, but different parts of the body were already claiming superiority over other parts. Paul points out that it isn’t the way the Body is supposed to function or value each other. To make matters worse, several scriptures have been used as ‘clobber passages’ often poorly translated with selective hermeneutics. Over the next several weeks, we’ll explore God’s vision of women in the Body of Christ and how they have been viewed, treated, and valued while unpacking a thoroughly biblical understanding of the Church.

Devotional: You can follow along and engage at a deeper level each week with our series devotional.


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