Consider Yourself at Home
We are a Christ-centered community with a passion to embrace and include all God’s People.
Doubt, question, or believe – we can all receive wisdom here. Male, female, or any other gender – everyone can serve here. LGBTQIA+ – there’s no room for hate here. Married, divorced, or single – we are one supportive family here. Whatever your race – all receive acceptance and affirmation here. Growing children and youth – we provide safe sanctuary here. Persons struggling with addiction – recovery is a way of life here. Conservative, progressive, liberal – we all give and learn here.

Our Roots Sprout In a New Beginning
Wellspring United Methodist Church has emerged as a “New Faith Community” on January 1, 2021 with Rev. Corey Ashley as our Pastor. We are located at 1217 Wolf Road in Oswego, Illinois. Launching a new congregation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a calling from God. We believe the Holy Spirit is directing and empowering us in this time and in this place to be Christ’s Church that accomplishes our mission, “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Our church building is an historical landmark in Kendall County, most recognized by the lighted red cross on top of the bell tower, which illuminates the night sky as a beacon of God’s light.
Wellspring United Methodist Church was launched as a new and separate congregation from the Oswego Campus of the Wheatland Salem United Methodist Church. We give thanks and honor the history of the many church communities who have gone before us such as ‘Zion Church on the Oswego Prairie’ which started 173 years ago. “German families began arriving in the Oswego Township in the 1840’s and settled east of the village on the rich farmland of the Oswego Prairie. The faith-filled community of farmers first gathered for church in their homes. As their congregation grew in numbers, they raised the money to construct their first church building in 1848.” We continue the journey and seek to nurture disciples of Jesus Christ who will love God, love others and serve in God’s Kingdom.
Where We Stand in the Faith
Our welcome does not spring from a desire to be simply politically correct, but to provide a home and care for all who seek to learn about and follow Jesus. The guiding light of our hospitality, ministry, justice, and community is rooted in the two commands that Jesus gave to his followers: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31). This love takes a variety of forms: serving those in need, befriending the lonely, welcoming the immigrant, seeking justice for the oppressed, speaking the good news to those who have not heard, participating in culture-making, pursuing vocational calling with integrity. Through these acts of love, we seek the good of the world, recognizing the importance of all creation in God’s story of salvation.
With OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, AND OPEN DOORS we invite you to Wellspring.