“What Holds Us Together?” (01-23-2022)

by | Jan 24, 2022

Speaker: Roger Jenks

Sermon: “What Holds Us Together?”

Scripture: Acts 

Series Name: Eureka: Discovering the Way of Jesus

Series Description:

“In the early church, first-century Christians were often referred to as followers of The Way. They were not called followers of the way simply because of how they lived, but because of who they followed–Jesus. In today’s society, there are a lot of ‘ways’ which compete for our attention. It’s easy to get confused. Whether it’s national or organizational leaders, political groups, lifestyles, social trends, and the list goes on, these ways of life beckon us to follow them. Yet, these other ways often stand contrary to the teachings and life of Jesus. In our new sermon series, Eureka: Discovering the way of Jesus, we’ll explore who Jesus is and the life he invites his community to experience and live out.”


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