
Ascension Thursday (May 26, 2022)

For many, Ascension Day will go relatively unnoticed. Forty days after Easter is just another Thursday with many of us in our ordinary weekday routines. The event it celebrates, however, is an important episode in the life of Jesus, the church, and all creation....

“Passionate Worship” (5-8-2022)

Speaker: Michelle Jenks Sermon: “Passionate Worship” Scripture: Psalm 84; Romans 12:1-2; John 4:23-24 Series Name: Transform: The Practices That Shape Us Series Description:   What makes for good health? For a body, a sports team, a family, a company,...

“Intentional Discipleship” (5-1-2022)

Speaker: Corey Ashley Sermon: “Intentional Discipleship” Scripture: Matthew 16:24-26, 28:16-20; John 8:31, 13:34-35; Phillippians 2; Galatians 5:22-23; Hebrews 6; Luke 6:48 Series Name: Transform: The Practices That Shape Us Series Description:   What...

“Radical Hospitality” (4/24/2022)

Speaker: Corey Ashley Sermon: “Radical Hospitality” Scripture: Acts 2:42-47; Romans 12:9-13, 15:1-7; Phillippians 2:1-5 Series Name: Transform: The Practices That Shape Us Series Description:   What makes for good health? For a body, a sports team, a...

Transform: The Practices That Shape Us

What makes for good health? For a body, a sports team, a family, a company, or a church? An old book title said it best… “There’s a Lot More to Health Than Not Being Sick.” Have you ever thought about what helps us flourish? When you get past all the hype and latest...