
“Love Gets the Last Word” (1-30-2022)

Speaker: Corey Ashley Sermon: Love Gets the Last Word Scripture: Colossians 3:11; John 1:3 Series Name: Eureka: Discovering the Way of Jesus Series Description: “In the early church, first-century Christians were often referred to as followers of The Way. They...

Galatians: Embracing God’s Freedom and Diversity

“The Church is still learning, growing, and discovering what it means to be the People of God. This is especially seen in the Book of Galatians. God had just ushered in a new age through the work of Jesus and the sending of the Spirit. We often refer to this new...

“What Holds Us Together?” (01-23-2022)

Speaker: Roger Jenks Sermon: “What Holds Us Together?” Scripture: Acts  Series Name: Eureka: Discovering the Way of Jesus Series Description: “In the early church, first-century Christians were often referred to as followers of The Way. They were not...

“Eye of the Beholder” (1-16-2022)

Speaker: Corey Ashley Sermon: “Eye of the Beholder” Scripture: Matthew 5:17-48; Daniel; Revelation 5:10; Acts 10:9-16 Series Name: Eureka: Discovering the Way of Jesus Series Description: “In the early church, first-century Christians were often...

“So What Now?” (01-09-2022)

Speaker: Corey Ashley Sermon: “So Now What?” Scripture: Luke 14:5; Acts 2-16 Series Name: Eureka: Discovering the Way of Jesus Series Description: “In the early church, first-century Christians were often referred to as followers of The Way. They...