
Self-Care isn’t just a coined word

“I’m tired,” “I’m fatigued,” “I’m worn out,” “I’m overwhelmed.” I’ve heard many express similar feelings over the past six-months as our society continues to transition in so many ways. People have had to adapt their rhythms...

The Mad Messiah (June, 2021)

“The Contrariness of the Mad Messiah” is a title of one my favorite poems by Wendell Berry. In the poem, Berry’s reveals how the life of the protagonist, the Mad Farmer, stands in contrast to the society around him. In a beautiful way, the Mad Farmer reveals the...

Restore: Recovering the Vision of Women in the Church

“The Family of God,” a phrase that is used a lot, sometimes with little thought. When you get past the idealized imagery, the truth of the matter is that in today’s world (and yesterday’s as well) all members of the family have not been seen or treated...

“Unity verses Uniformity” (6/3/2021)

Speaker: Pastor Corey Ashley Sermon: “Unity verses Uniformity” Scripture: Acts 2:17, 42-47; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Galatians 3:26-4:7 Series Name: Holy Who?: Discovering God the Spirit in our Life Series Description: Holy Spirit. Some people exclusively...

A Memorial Day Prayer

On this Memorial Day, we would like to remember those who lost their lives to war along with the many who are no longer with us that served and loved others well. Below is a Memorial prayer that can be used as a time of reflection and remembrance. “Blessed are...