“Unity verses Uniformity” (6/3/2021)

Speaker: Pastor Corey Ashley Sermon: “Unity verses Uniformity” Scripture: Acts 2:17, 42-47; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Galatians 3:26-4:7 Series Name: Holy Who?: Discovering God the Spirit in our Life Series Description: Holy Spirit. Some people exclusively...

A Memorial Day Prayer

On this Memorial Day, we would like to remember those who lost their lives to war along with the many who are no longer with us that served and loved others well. Below is a Memorial prayer that can be used as a time of reflection and remembrance. “Blessed are...

Pentecost 2021

Speaker: Pastor Corey Ashley Sermon: “Pentecost 2021” Scripture: Acts 1:6-9, 2:1-4; Jeremiah 7:2b-8; Ezekiel 10:18-19, 36:22a & 24-28 ,37:1-14 Series Name: Holy Who?: Discovering God the Spirit in our Life Series Description: Holy Spirit. Some people...

Holy Who: Discovering God the Spirit in our Life

Pentecost commemorates the indwelling of God the Spirit in the People of God and birth of the Church. Coinciding with Pentecost, we are launching a new sermon series called, Holy Who?: Discovering God the Spirit in our Life. Some people exclusively think of the Holy...

“Yes, No, Maybe” (5-16-2021)

Speaker: Rev. Roger Jenks Sermon: “Yes, No, Maybe” Scripture: Matt 5:37, James 1:2-8, Rev 3:14-16 Series Name: Priorities: What’s Really Important Series Description: A favorite parlor game is to try and answer the question: If you had to leave your...