“Am I furthering the Kingdom?” 5-9-2021

Speaker: Pastor Corey Ashley Sermon: “Am I Furthering the Kingdom?” Scripture: Acts 1:3-11; Mark 10:21-22; Colossians 3:17; Philippians 1:9-11 Series Name: Priorities: What’s Really Important Series Description:A favorite parlor game is to try and...

Priorities: What’s Really Important?

A favorite parlor game is to try and answer the question: If you had to leave your burning house, what would you grab to take with you? It is a quick assessment of priorities. Of course, we don’t live in constantly burning buildings, but our days are filled with...

“The Wise Thing.” (4/25/2021)

Speaker: Pastor Corey Ashley Sermon: “The Wise Thing” Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-16, Matthew 7:24-29 Series Name: Navigate: Better Decisions and Fewer Regrets Series Description: One of the best things we can ask ourselves after something goes wrong is,...

“Acknowledging the Tension” (4/18/2021)

Speaker: Chris Gussman Sermon: “Acknowledging the Tension” Scripture: 1 Sam 24:6-7 Series Name: Navigate: Better Decisions and Fewer Regrets Series Description: One of the best things we can ask ourselves after something goes wrong is, “Looking back, what...

Navigate: Better Decisions and Fewer Regrets

Decisions are important. They also have consequences. They impact the direction and quality of your life. As followers of Jesus, we realize that the circumstances we encounter are not always clear or ‘black and white’. And while nobody plans to muddle their life with...