Speaker: Rev. Roger Jenks
Sermon: Blessed Are The Meek
Series Name: Blessed
Series Description:
Join us for our sermon series, Blessed.
In 1966 there was a hit song called “Don’t Make Promises that You Can’t Keep.” While the song was talking about a personal relationship, the principle remains the same and is one that Jesus subscribed to and clearly believed in. A person could make the case that the Beatitudes are simply a list of promises to various groups of people and in that sense it is audacious. They will be “blessed.” Biblically, the term translates best as “Close to the Heart of God.” Everyone mentioned in the list is already “close.” But every one of those promises was also based on an assumption in Jesus’ mind that God will make all things right in the end (or even in the moment).
You will notice that some of the promises are made about what WILL happen and some, at the beginning and the end, are about what IS happening. For the people who were in each of these states, the ability to believe these was critical and life altering. It has been said that the Beatitudes are a profile of the People of God and a description of how the Kingdom of God operates. As we go through them as a congregation, you may find some life support for yourself.
Devotional: Week 2