The Power of Being Present and the Work of Silence
"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn" - Romans 12:15 Is it easy or difficult for you to listen to a friend or family member express deep emotions? The most common challenge people have is not knowing what to say to someone who is in pain....
Women’s History Month 2021
The month of March is designated Women's History Month. It is a time that provides our community an opportunity to pay special and necessary attention to our history in order to to learn, dig deeper, and discover. In honor of Women's History Month 2021, Wellspring...
Harriet Tubman
"There is a moment in scripture when Jesus is talking to one of his disciples, Peter. They are sitting around an early morning fire and Jesus is explaining to Peter what his life was going to be like in the future. Peter's response is telling. He points to a fellow...
Bishop Richard Allen
Truth-telling is core to the work of the Church. As followers of Jesus, we must be willing to honestly and courageously speak truth regarding areas of brokenness and injustice. This often means lovingly bringing to light and engaging that which is uncomfortable,...
Bishop Leontine Kelly
We celebrate Black History Month as a time to revisit our roots and highlight persons of faith who have responded to God’s call and provided leadership for the Church. A description of a courageous leader is one who will accompany us to a place we would not go by...
Harry Hosier
In honor of Black History Month, each week Wellspring will be recognizing the work of a historical Black figure who was connected to and made an impact on the United Methodist Church. In 1968 I was traveling north to Memphis, Tennessee, after a southern tour with my...
Black History Month 2021
Black history is American history. Black History Month provides our community an opportunity to pay special and necessary attention to our history in order to to learn, dig deeper, and discover. In honor of Black History Month 2021, Wellspring United Methodist Church...
You’re Not Giving Me An Answer!
“You’re not giving me an answer!” My banking client was almost blue in the face as he repeated his 6-word mantra. The reality of what I could offer him at that time was not matching up to his expectations. He had requested to withdraw a large amount of cash which...
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Just 12 days after white supremacists proudly displayed their iconography in and in front of the Capitol building and violent attacks led to several deaths, America is celebrating a holiday to not only commemorate the life of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., but inspire...
Epiphany and Capitol Hill
Today is Epiphany. A day of revelation. It celebrates the visitation of the Magi whose arrival was a sign that the incarnation of God in Christ had been made known and was recognized by the heavens to the whole world, so that even Gentile wise men from the East came...
Why Now?
Wow! We’re just days away from launching Wellspring United Methodist Church! So why now? Why plant a church at all? It goes without saying that 2020 was a strange year. In a lot of ways, it feels like the world has been knocked back on it’s heels. Division, health...