“Expect the Rising Son” (12-5-2021)

by | Dec 6, 2021

Speaker: Corey Ashley

Sermon: “Expect the Rising Son”

Scripture: Romans 8:23; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 1:78-79; Psalm 130:5-6, 25:4-6

Series Name: Advent:The Rising Light Of Hope

Series Description:

“When is it ever going to end?” I just get my hopes up and then they get dashed.” “Why? What is God doing?” Such were the words uttered during…the first century church….during the Middle Ages… during the Great depression… during World Wars…and, of course, during the Pandemic. The capacity to remain hopeful is currently in short supply. And it isn’t just because the Pandemic lingers, but because of the fallout. Lost jobs, isolation, political strife, lost loved ones, and cultural shifts. But, hope is a cornerstone among followers of Jesus. If we understand how and where to find it, we just might not only survive better ourselves, but be a light to others as well. This sermon series is designed to help you do just that.


We are currently in our series, Advent: The Rising Light of Hope. Over the next few weeks, we will allow scripture to guide us into in to practicing graitude and inviting joy into our lives. As a part of our series, we are using our Sermon Series Devotional to dig deeper and follow along each week.


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