Lent 2022 – Faith Emerging from the Ashes

by | Mar 6, 2022

The season of Lent is one of the most important times in the church year and helps us remember the 40 days Jesus spent fasting and praying in the desert before he began teaching, preaching and healing in public. Lent a time of letting go and reorientation. Life throws us curve balls that force us to rethink many of our assumptions about life. A death takes a loved one. Divorce breaks up our family. An unexpected disease strikes. A religious mentor is disgraced. We lose a business or organization due to a pandemic. A church damages us with dysfunction.

What do we do when we find out that the faith and beliefs we were raised with or first adopted as an adult don’t seem to have gone up in smoke? How do we rise? How does life get put back together? Interestingly enough, sometimes it is necessary for us to allow our beliefs to be challenged and go through an overhaul. If we didn’t, we would be functioning in the world with a 5 year old view of life. This study is designed to help us look at some significant events in scripture that turned things upside down and challenged assumptions of the day… what they believed about God and who they thought Jesus was. Hopefully you’ll find some help in faith emerging from the ashes of life.

Coinciding with our Lent series, is our Lent Series Devotional. Follow along each week digging into scriptures and exploring a deeper sense of faith in your life.

Get the Lent Devotional Now

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