“What does love require of me?” (5-2-2021)

by | May 4, 2021

Speaker: Terry Clark

Sermon: “What does love require of me?”

Scripture: Luke 15, Matthew 5:22-28, 1 Cor 13

Series Name: Navigate: Better Decisions and Fewer Regrets

Series Description:
One of the best things we can ask ourselves after something goes wrong is, “Looking back, what would I do differently?” Usually, we find that better decisions would have made a big difference, spared us a lot of regret, and helped us navigate life better. But why do we fail in making good decisions? Lots of reasons: impulsive behavior, operating strictly from emotions, trying to prove something to someone or ourselves, not thinking of consequences, or sometimes just immaturity. Over the next few weeks, we will allow scripture to guide us into making better decisions so we can have fewer regrets in our lifetime. You can use this devotional in any way that fits with your schedule. It follows the accompanying sermon series.

Devotional: You can follow along and engage at a deeper level each week with our series devotional.


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