MLK Day 2025: Being The Beloved Community
Growing up, I often wondered what it would be like to stand alongside heroes—people who didn’t just talk about changing the world but gave their lives to it. People like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. While in college, I read about his leadership, his speeches, and his...
Donation Drive (09-01-2024)
Mark your calendars for our donation drive, sponsored by the Missions Team every First Sunday of the month. Thank you for your continued support. Date: Sunday, September 1, 2024Time: 9:30amLocation: Lobby, Marked BinDonate To: Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry Food...
Memorial Day 2023
“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24) Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, is a day on the civil calendar for remembering and honoring those...
A Message from Pastor Corey: The Covenant School Shooting (3/28/2023)
How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?How long will you hide your face from me?How long must I take counsel in my souland have sorrow in my heart all the day?How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? - Psalm 13:1-2 We mourn the loss of life from yesterday’s...
Women’s History Month 2023
The month of March is designated Women's History Month. It is a time that provides our community an opportunity to pay special and necessary attention to our history in order to to learn, dig deeper, and discover. In honor of Women's History Month 2021, Wellspring...
Wellspring Missions: Turkey & Syria Earthquake Relief
'UMCOR – This could be a new acronym for you. It stands for United Methodist Committee on Relief, our denominational “arm” that reaches into the world as an first response to disasters. UMCOR is immediately on the scene for emergency relief for victims of floods,...
Black History Month 2023
Black history is American history. Black History Month provides our community an opportunity to pay special and necessary attention to our history in order to to learn, dig deeper, and discover. In honor of Black History Month 2023, Wellspring United Methodist Church...
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2023
In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2023, here are several opportunities to engage with the life and legacy of Dr. King and reflect on our own lives both individually and communally: Enter into Dr. King's Conversations: One of my traditions (Pastor Corey...
The Prince of Peace
The Prince of Peace For to us a child is born,to us a son is given;and the government shall be upon his shoulder,and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.--Isaiah 9:6 It can be overwhelming—the barrenness of sin...
Statement on Highland Park Tragedy
I (Pastor Corey) was shocked and saddened by the horrid violence which took place in Highland Park yesterday killing 6 people and wounding dozens more. The continued epidemic of mass shootings continues to deepen the wounds of grief, sorrow, and anger in our country....
Pride Month Resources
At Wellspring, we affirm all persons as equally valuable in the sight of God. We therefore work toward societies in which each person’s value is recognized, maintained, and strengthened as affirmed in our social principles. Pride Month provides our community an...
Therefore: Living in Light of Lord Jesus
There is a huge gulf in our culture between our understanding of personal freedom (even in our faith) and the proclamation of Jesus as Lord. What does it mean to claim that? It was such a central understanding of the early Church that it was the earliest and a life...